

The predictions you've hidden in your sock drawer.

On another note. I decide to make a comic based on growing up with my wonderful, lovely, yet obsessively clean Mother and her psychic tendencies. Tarot cards, occult books, auras, and not being allowed to put my feet on the sofa.

I will post images as soon as it's out of my head and onto a scrap.

I'm coughing up colours.

My ego has been given a swift kick in the arse. It feels good to be surrounded by 22 others who are better than me. Its a challenge I surely needed, but my stress level is building fast. I have a project due in every class every week. I'm not drawing nearly enough. I need to remember to eat and take my vitamins. I'm really trying to.

This is my first crack at digital painting. I even had to buy a tablet, much to my distaste. It's a fairly boring image unfortunately.